Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Major Taylor Project makes the news!

That's right! The Major Taylor Project is now officially famous ;)

Last weekend King 5 news brought their news-team to the Marymoor Velodrome where students from Evergreen high school were learning how to ride on the steep banks of the racing track as a part of one of the many out of school field trip the Major Taylor project offers.

Here is the link:


If you would like to help the MAJOR TAYLOR PROJECT in any way, give me, coach Dan (dan@cycleu.com), a shout. We always can use bike parts and bikes, especially race bikes and race tires for students who wish to pursue racing and longer distance riding.

Upcoming Major Taylor events the students will be doing: Flying Wheels and STP!!! I will be riding with them on both these events. Needless to say, I am super excited.